Friday, May 27, 2011

Missed Connections

Holy cow what a mess we're in.

Yesterday I headed to Halifax to catch my flight to India, routed Halifax-NY-Doha-Bangalore, but the first flight from Halifax got cancelled completely. The group of us still showed at the airport to be re-routed in order to catch our flight to NY. The new rerouting was Halifax-Boston-NY-Doha-Bangalore, but our flight from Boston ran late, then got stuck on the tarmac at NY for 2 hours. We missed our connection to Doha. There was bad weather and apparently we were one of about 10 Delta flights that were cancelled, so the hotels were completely full, and we have been stuck at the airport since 11pm (NY local time) last night.

We're trying to make sure we get on the flight to Doha tonight in order to head to Bangalore tomorrow, but there's some trouble getting ahold of Qatar Airways to have those flights updated, and Delta Airways has offered to get us to Bangalore, but the flight goes NY-Paris-Doha-Bangalore and it leaves at 7:30pm. Apparently the Doha counter agents don't show up until 7:00pm, which doesn't really work if we want to get re-routed to Paris by Delta.

Sleeping in the airport last night sucked. Why is it that airports always have notoriously uncomfortable seating when 9 times out of 10 passengers get stuck in situations like these where they've got to be held over at the airport? Delta was nice enough to give us each $12 of food vouchers for the day, but that doesn't really help us out.

Also, turns out a group of 3 that got rerouted through Montreal to NY, made the flight to Doha, but missed the connection to Bangalore. So Qatar airways are putting those three up in a hotel in Doha for the night, and we'll meet up with them tomorrow after our flight and catch the one for Bangalore... that's the PLAN anyway..

Here is a photo of some of us waiting to get on our flight to NY in Boston. Pretty smiley, not too shabby, eh?

And here's what we looked like at about 2am trying to find a place to rest for the night... not so fun, still a little smiley though, amazingly. Sorry girls, had to do it.

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