Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Meeting Minutes

Last night we met up with the International Affairs Coordinator at Mount Allison University, Robin Walker. It was the first chance for us to meet who will be coming along with us while we all filled out our visa applications. We also found out the finalized dates and got to ask some much needed questions.

In total there should be 14 people departing for India on May 27th. Dr. Helen Pridmore is the Mt. Allison faculty member joining us, and along with her partner and one student who went last year, Caroline Whidden, she'll be trying to keep us all relaxed and enjoying the ride... and keeping an eye on us as well.

That leaves eleven, and only two are men! The poor boys are outnumbered on this one, that's for sure, but that's not uncommon at Mt. Allison where the female to male ratio is close to 3:1. Three of the girls are actually from universities in Halifax, NS: two from King's and one from Dalhousie. This all depends on if everyone's visa applications go through without a hitch. One of the boys is from Pakistan, and it's very unusual for India to grant visas to Pakistan's citizens... *fingers crossed*

Our departure date is set for May 27th and we should be returning by July 28th. The flights aren't finalized yet so I'm not sure where we'll be stopping over - that's not going to be figured out for a few weeks at least, though Caroline says that her flights stopped in Frankfurt.

I have to drive 2.5 hours to Fredericton, NB on Monday morning to pick up my passport to be able to send off my Visa application that's getting sent out on Monday. Tuesday I have a vaccination appointment and Friday my flight deposit of $2500 is due. This is all on top of the week I'm finalizing all my papers for my full course load as all the deadlines have been stacked for the end of semester. It's going to be a hectic week.

The next meeting is set for April 9, but I'll likely update before then.

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